World Diabetes Day


World Diabetes Day 2020

Most people discover they have diabetes and feel like it is the end of the world. On this World Diabetes Day 2020, we are here to tell you that everything can be alright with the right diabetic diet!

Quite often people think that they have to follow a restricted diabetic diet. And that they have to keep a tab on everything that they eat because, most food products have some amount of sugar content in them. But, that is not the case.

Diabetic Diet Do’s

Yes, you will have to watch what you are eating but like any other condition everything has to be in moderation. There are also a few super foods that diabetic patients can absolutely relish, without feeling really guilty.

Here are 20 Food Products to relish as a part of your Diabetic Diet:

  • Apples
  • Avocados
  • Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Fish
  • Flax seed
  • Garlic
  • Melons
  • Nuts and Dry Fruits
  • Oatmeal
  • Spinach
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Onions
  • Soy
  • Tea
  • Tomatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Oranges

Most of these foods have an insane amount of fiber and are of high nutritional value. This makes them ideal for those who suffer with diabetes, and follow a strict diabetic diet.

You can either eat them raw or you can incorporate these foods as raw materials, in the food that you prepare daily. Nearly all of them make for really enriching and delicious complements to your recipes.

Also Read: Here’s How To Lose Up To 10 Pounds In 7 Days With This Diet Plan !!!

Diabetic Diet Don’ts

Of course, there are a few food products that a diabetic person has to absolutely avoid. But, that makes for a very limited list and apart from these Diabetic diet products that you must avoid, you can enjoy anything else. So, make a mental note of these food products that you need to avoid if you are suffering from Diabetes.

Here are 7 Food Products to avoid in your Diabetic Diet:

1. Coffee is something that is high on sugar and complex carbs and needs to be avoided. Choose tea instead.

2. Store packed juices and beverages are loaded with artificial sweeteners and sugars and one must avoid them. Try switching to a home processed fruit juice instead.

3. French fries at your favorite fast food joint may seem very appetizing but, they are full of starch and high cholesterol which is not good for you. Try baking your own fries in the oven at home and relish them.

4. Store bought cookies and confectionery biscuits are a mother-load of sugar and high carbs. Try eating high fiber whole wheat biscuits instead.

5. Deep fried fish, chicken or Chinese starters are all bad for you when you have diabetes, for they may have high quantities of lead or other harmful preservatives that are not good for your body.

6. Frozen foods and stored foods are also to be avoided to a large extent. Opt for freshly cooked meals over a frozen one.

7. Bakery cakes and desserts are mostly loaded with sugar unless specified that they are sugar free. Opt for bakers who you trust will not add sugar and advertise it as sugar-free. Or even better! Have some fun experimenting with your baking skills at home.

All in all, switch to healthier versions of diabetic friendly foods products, with less sugar incorporated and you can enjoy them like everyone else.

On World Diabetes Day 2020, let us remember that it is essential that the person who suffers from diabetes is also in a healthy state of mind, apart from eating healthy. Stress and external factors matter a great deal in the well-being of such a person when they have diabetes. So, be of a little help to them whenever you can and let’s take a little load off their shoulders this World Diabetes Day.

Always remember to be happy, smile and eat right!